Tales Of The Tribe

The MLA gang of Maybes have all started working on a wide-ranging interactive and hyperlinked project called the Tale Of The Tribe.

More on this as details emerge, but you can always check out current bits on OM (Only Maybe).   As well as those teasers, it might help to know that:

 RAW never finished his last book – even though it appears on Amazon – although check out ’email to the universe’.

RAW ran an online course to help develop the material – and the course material is still available from the MLA as a  10 week ‘self-directed course’.









Bobby has included some TOTT in his @gnosis! comic












 (includes amazing classic comic book artwork by Marcelino)












Bobby has also worked on the piece we collaborated on – Falling On Deaf Ears – which relates to the Vico model of time/history as cyclic




DJ Fly you might call a wordsmith – he has got into Finnegans Wake, rapping, mixing, etc.  He’s using reference texts like  Tale of the Tribe: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic, and some more visuals may appear from Chu.  His online bonanza of cut-ups may go public soon.


Tale of the Tribe
An Interactive Exploration

Derived from Robert Anton Wilson’s landmark MLA courses ‘The Ideogrammic Method’ and ‘Tale of the Tribe,’ this self-directed course bridges the political, the social and the psychological in a mix only Wilson conjure. Starring Ernest Fenollosa, Ezra Pound, Alfred Korzybski, James Joyce and Buckminster Fuller — the nucleus of the extraordinary minds that have helped shape the information age of 21st century and the mindscape of Robert Anton Wilson. Follow RAW through the labyrinths of Joyce and Pound as we learn to perceive/conceive in non-Aristotelian categories and join the Global Village. All course material was either written or assigned by Robert Anton Wilson. Praise Bob indeed!